Acupuncture for gynaecology

What can Lucy help with? 


For some women the menopause can be a prolonged and challenging process but with regular acupuncture treatments it needn't be. Some of the symptoms that can be avoided include:

Hot flushes | irregular periods | fatigue | memory lapses | nights sweats | loss of libido | vaginal dryness | mood swings, urinary tract infections | hair loss | incontinence.


Lucy pays specific attention to a woman’s monthly cycle and can work to regulate it in order to encourage conception. 

The ideal cycle has a five day medium flow bleed and lasts 28 days in total, although a few days either side is also considered to be normal. If your cycle is different to this and you have been struggling to conceive, acupuncture could really help you.

In Chinese Medicine there are four phases to the monthly cycle. By working with these phases, acupuncture can help to:

Regulate the length of the cycle | regulate light or heavy periods | reduce period pain | reduce PMS symptoms | reduce stress and anxiety | promote ovulation and implantation | improve egg quality | improve follicular development | improve lining of the endometrium | balance hormones

other gyne issues that can be helped with acupuncture

Polycystic ovary syndrome | endometriosis | period problems | PMS | hormone imbalances | libido